Homecouple questions quiz Advertisement Compatability Quiz for CouplesRequires 2 people We hope your score gave you some good information. Have a great day! 11https://breeds.petrage.net/wp-content/plugins/nex-formsfalsemessagehttps://breeds.petrage.net/wp-admin/admin-ajax.phphttps://breeds.petrage.net/couple-questions-quizyes1fadeInfadeOut Questions for CouplesOne person will answer part one of the test-the other will answer part two and you will get a compatability score based on your answers. Don't look at your partners answers! Are you ready?Person 1-Click Next... Back Next *Partner 1 First NameRate the following items from 1 to 5 stars. One Star is the LOWEST rating and Five stars is the HIGHEST rating!*1 How much do you like your partners friends? *1 How much do YOU think your partner likes YOUR friends? *1 Rate YOUR level of jealousy. *1 Rate your partners level of jealousy. *1 Do YOU get along with your partners family? *1 Does your partner get along with your family? *1 How likely is it that YOU would ever cheat on your partner? *1 How likely is it that your partner would cheat on you? *1 How important is having children one day to you?RATE *1 How important is it to you that this relationship lasts for the rest of your life?RATE *1 How comfortable do you feel talking about previous relationships with your partner?RATE *1 How important is it for you and your partner to spend time away from eachother-doing things with other friends?RATE *1 How important is your partners level of intelligence and ability to get a good job?RATE Partner 1-Click NEXT and hand the phone to your partner... Back Next *Partner 2 First Name*2 How much do you like your partners friends? *2 How much do YOU think your partner likes YOUR friends? *2 Rate YOUR level of jealousy. *2 Rate your partners level of jealousy. *2 Do YOU get along with your partners family? *2 Does your partner get along with your family? *2 How likely is it that YOU would ever cheat on your partner? *2 How likely is it that your partner would cheat on you? *2 How important is having children one day to you?RATE *2 How important is it to you that this relationship lasts for the rest of your life?RATE *2 How comfortable do you feel talking about previous relationships with your partner?RATE *2 How important is it for you and your partner to spend time away from eachother-doing things with other friends?RATE *2 How important is your partners level of intelligence and ability to get a good job?RATE Back Next Results Page{{partner_1_first_name}} friends score 0.{{partner_2_first_name}} friends score 0.If the total of BOTH scores is 10 or LESS-you generally do NOT like eathothers friends and this will put a strain on your relationship. If there is a DIFFERENCE in scores of MORE than 4-there may be some friends that could put a strain on your relationship.The HIGHER and CLOSER the scores-the better the score! (the highest TOTAL score is 20) {{partner_1_first_name}} jealousy score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} jealousy score 0 If the TOTAL of BOTH Scores is MORE than 10-this would indicate some trust issues-the GREATER the total-the lower the TRUST level. If the DIFFERENCE in scores is MORE than 4-ONE of you is having TRUST issues. Low Total Scores-LESS than 10-indicate LOW jealous levels and generally higher trust. {{partner_1_first_name}} family score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} family score 0 A LOW TOTAL score-10 or LESS would indicate that you both have serious issues with eachothers families. A DIFFERENCE in scores MORE than 4 this would indicate one of you is having issues with the others family. The higher the score total-the better the family relationships. A score of 12-13 are borderline.(20 is the highest total) {{partner_1_first_name}} cheating score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} cheating score 0 A TOTAL of BOTH scores MORE than 8 would indicate trust issues-the greater the score the LESS trust exists in the relationship. A DIFFERENCE in scores of 4 or MORE would indicate that one person does not trust the other. A score of 4 is a perfect score and a high trust level. {{partner_1_first_name}} children score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} children score 0If the difference is MORE than 2-this is an area to discuss. Having children is one of the BIGGEST decisions of your life and you better both be on the same page!{{partner_1_first_name}} lasting relationship score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} lasting relationship score 0If the difference is MORE than 2-this is an area to discuss. Maybe you don't want a lasting relationship but if your partner does not feel the same way this could lead to tension!{{partner_1_first_name}} discussing serious topics/previous relationships score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} discussing serious topics/previous relationships score 0Communication is critical in a serious relationship. If this is just a flig-it really doesn't matter! A difference MORE than 2 indicates potential problems. A low score-2 or LESS for each person-in a serious relationship would indicate communication issues.{{partner_1_first_name}} spending time with friends and others score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} spending time with friends and others score 0It is probably a good idea to spend some time away from eachother-with friends doing other things. A smothering relationship can be a problem. A low score here-2 or less for each person-would indicate you don't like doing much without eachother. While not necessarily a problem-in a strong relationship it can be healthy.{{partner_1_first_name}} intelligence and job score 0{{partner_2_first_name}} intelligence and job score 0Is intelligence and the potential for your partner to get a good job important to you? A big difference (MORE than 2) might indicate low/high expectations that could be unreasonable.A score of 2 or less from each person would indicate you don't expect much from eachother...Did you get relationship scores?YesNo Submit Advertisement